Electrical Panel Replacement in Olympia, Washington

Winona Furgison • April 22, 2021


 If you have one of these pretty colored panels below in your home you need to update. These panels have many safety concerns and fire is the biggest one. What happens is that the breakers overheat but do not trip. The breaker then gets so hot they begin to burn the busbar or melt the breaker down.  This leads to a fire.  If you have one of these panels have an electrician inspect and evaluate your panel as the breakers have to be removed in order to see if there are any present problems. Shocking Difference is local to Olympia WA, Tumwater WA, and Lacey Wa.  Our residential electrician can safely remove the breakers and make sure that none are melting.  Our residential electrician will carefully examine the bus bar for heat damage which is evidenced by color changes on the busbar to rainbow or black.   If you have one of these panels and can't afford to update at this time PLEASE make sure you have interconnected smoke alarms and make sure you put one in the room with the panel. Sometimes the purchase of a home or sale of a home is dependent on this upgrade due to the insurance company not insuring homes with this type of panel.  Many home owners can call their insurance agent and get a discount on their insurance once they have done the electrical panel replacement.

Another type of panel also needs to be looked at and an electrical panel replacement or electrical panel installation must be considered. In times past in Olympia Wa, Tumwater WA, or Lacey Wa you did not need to have a main breaker in your electrical panel so some older panels do not have a main breaker.  This means that in case of an emergency or fire there is no way to turn off the electricity feeding your entire home without calling the power company or turning off every circuit in your panel.  This does not meet 2020 electrical code for fire prevention. If you have one of these types of panels you need to start saving your money for a panel upgrade in your future.  Often these panels are also smaller so the circuits of a modern home cannot be put into this type of panel so you will need to update if you are doing a remodel or wanting to add to the circuits for a hot tub or electric car installation. 

Another consideration is if you are wanting to modernize your home or add an addition in Olympia Wa, Lacey Wa, or Tumwater Wa you may not have the full 200 amps that is required for modern living.  Many older homes have a 100-125 amp service which no longer meets the needs of our busy world of today.  In Olympia Wa, Tumwater Wa, and Lacey Wa we have PSE who provides our electricity and they will usually upgrade your service to a 200 amp with minimal charge from them.  You will still need an electrical panel replacement or electrical panel installation as well as an upgrade to the meter and or mast.  A residential electrician at Shocking Difference LLC is local to Olympia Wa, Lacey Wa, and Tumwater Wa and they will be happy to help navigate your way through the quagmire of paperwork and permit pulling that is required to do your electrical panel installation. 

An electrical panel installation is going to mean that you need to organize everything with the power company so everything flows smoothly.  We at Shocking Difference take the headache out of all the organization from you so you just have to be ready to spend 3/4 of your day living like a pioneer or you can leave that morning and go about your day and be confident that the back ground checked, drug free, and highly trained residential electrician from Shocking Difference LLC will leave your home looking better than when they arrived.  You can be assured that when you come home that evening your new power will be on and your home will be a safer haven. 

Electrical panel replacement and service upgrades are not cheap.  Electrical panel installations are one of those things that you hear people talk about when the say the bones are good but it isn't pretty.  No, this is not like getting new paint or updated furniture it is something that you may not see the value in as there is really nothing your friends will rave about.  When you turn on the news and hear of someone dying in a fire or a home lost you will get a wave of relief that you are not still living with that fire hazard panel which can take away lives, cherished items, and your whole sense of wellbeing. If you ever talk with someone who lost their home to fire they will tell you of the devistation to their whole lives from the loss of their cherished memories in the home,  to the door where they marked the growth of all their grandchildren and children, the craziness of dealing with the insurance company, and the temporary living that has to be done somewhere while you rebuilt or repair.   My parents lost their home to fire and Darrell and I know the importance of your home and we take fire safety seriously.  Here at Shocking Difference LLC we think your cherished home and memories in that home deserve to be preserved so we offer very reasonable financing options so this upgrade in Lacey Wa, Olympia Wa, and Tumwater Wa can be done sooner rather than later.   

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